We all think that both Facebook and Twitter are absolutely fee of cost, so how does it make money? What is the secret behind it? The secret is going to unveil and I am going to tell you the ways through which these social media giants make money.

  1. Facebook Ad placements: Mobile, Desktop, Right-column. Facebook is a world renowned social media and it’s the most famous one also. Millions of active users post updates, status and various things. This website has millions of visitors every day and we have seen some advertisement banners in the website of Facebook. It is the main way through which Facebook makes money, it’s Advertisement.
  2. Facebook Objectives: Clicks, conversions and Post Engagement. Some of the best ways through which Facebook makes money are- clicks, conversions as well as page-post conversions. For Instance, if click is a precedence here, the brand includes a call-to-action button to encourage users to land in the respective page.
  3. Facebook objectives: Page likes, App Installs and App Engagement. Facebook hosts various sites and links that redirects you to a particular page. It hosts various applications also. If anyone is interested and clicks on a link that is concerning an app, Facebook makes a certain amount of money through this.
  4. Event responses, offer claims and video views: Any host company can make any event timeline and post it to the Facebook page. Besides this, Facebook also gives various discount and voucher codes which attracts a lot of customers and converts potential customers to actual customers. And any company or organization can embed video in its Facebook page on pay-per-view basis.
  5. Twitter promoted Trends: This is the primary way for twitter to earn money. Twitter keeps a track on all of the most happening and rocking events in the world and makes a list. Various viewers gets a lot of information in a very short time and twitter uses Promotional Trends to make money in the long run.
  6. Twitter promoted accounts: Twitter is using this new technique known as ‘Promoted-Accounts’. If there is an account for some particular use of promotion then twitter especially promotes it by taking some money from the user or the page owner. This results in a mutual help and both takes advantage from it.
  7. Twitter Promoted tweets: Any third party client can use this feature to promote his or her own page. Promoted tweets can be targeted at Twitter users who don’t already follow a brand based on demographics and interests. These ads are purchased on an engagement basis, so brands only pay Twitter when tweets are favorite, replied to or retweeted.

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