In order to grow your followers on social media, you need to get your followers to engage with the content you post on social media. Here’re some easy ways that you can use to get more people engaged with the stuff you’re publishing!

 1: Post at the right time.

 You’ve just created a piece of content that you know in your gut is one of the better articles you’ve posted this year. Your tingling with excitement as you press the Publish-button, and when you share it on your social channels you’re no longer tingling. You’re Because you’re anticipating the flood of likes and comments and love your content will receive.

 And then you get nothing. Nothing. At. All.

Thing is, no matter how great the piece of content you just posted is, it won’t be read if everyone’s asleep and can’t see it. The time you post your content is vital, however, it’s most often overlooked. Which is a shame!

 Social media is both local and global. That’s why it’s critical to know the best time to post your content.

 There’re some nifty tools out there that can help you analyzing the time when your followers are most active. Often, it’s in the morning, in the afternoon and in the evening. For instance, people engage more during the morning commute, sometime in the afternoon and on the commute home from work.

 Most social media management tools have this information in them. But if you just want a quick overview, here’re some helpful tips!

 According to some studies, the best days to post content on Facebook is Thursdays and Fridays. Engagement on social media generally spikes during the end of the week, so that’s helpful to keep in mind.81

The best time to post content on Facebook is, depending on your followers, between 13.00 and 15.00 and 18.00 to 20.00.

 On Twitter, it’s generally the same, with a slight difference. The best time is often in the evening between 18.00 to 20.00. Why? People want something to keep them occupied during the commute home. And what better way is there than to scroll down your Twitter feed!

For different business, depending on the niche/audience/market, posting time can vary. So, know which time is working for you!

 Use a monitoring tool such as SocioBoard to keep tabs on your followers, and when they’re the most active – and then plan your posting schedule after that.qAdpCjL

 2: Post on the right place.


Sadly, one size doesn’t fit all. Different channels need different content, and what might work on Twitter might not work at all on Facebook.

 Twitter’s nature is information delivered fast and short. Facebook, however, is more of publishing content in long form. Also, you can drive engagement by creating exciting and interesting campaigns on Facebook – but you’re quite limited on Twitter.

 A quick tip is to keep it short and sweet on Twitter, and long and interesting on Facebook.writing-for-social-media-content-770x428Using SocioBoard manage records of all your posts in different social media accounts using a single dashboard. Amazing, isn’t?

 And one thing that works brilliantly on both channels is pictures and videos. Forget writing detailed posts. Use a picture to translate the message visually. And sure, more budget might have to be set aside for developing this visual material, but with higher impact in your social channels you’ll be able to measure the ROI on your increased spend!

 3: Ask for it.

 It’s as simple as that. Ask for it and you might get it. Ask for likes, shares, and comments. Whenever you post something, ask your followers what they think about the content you just posted.

 Maybe this will spark an engaging discussion in your comments, maybe it won’t. But the chance of your post creating a higher engagement is bigger than it would have been if you’ve just kept quiet.

 By doing this, you’ll be given many brilliant gifts – such as great feedback, and higher engagement.

 And this brings us to number 4:

 4: Involve your audience.

 Questions work better than statements on social media. However, don’t just ask for the sake of asking – ask something important.

 Again, if you use a monitoring tool you’ll be able to identify some key things that your followers seem passionate or interested in. Ask questions relating to their passions and interests, and you’ll see a better response than a generic question – as it’s about something that matters to your audience.6a00e54ef4f376883401b7c79aac10970b-320wi

If you have a tight schedule you can schedule your posts at intervals when your audiences and customers are mostly active. It will make them connect with your brand and get engaged with it. Throw away interesting questions, funny quotes at times to make up their mind that you’re not a boring brand. You have to make them realize that you not only do business to make money, but to make long-term relationships with the clients.

 Do you have any tips and tricks to increase engagement? Hit us up in the comments below!

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